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Jul 24, 2024
Hey folks,

(Please share with your friends whoever uses XUIONE,22F,Mods,etc...)
You've probably heard that some piece of crap recently exploited a few vulnerabilities in XUIONE, hacked into the system, and demanded 1000 euros in ransom after taking control of the database. Well, I’m here to tell you NOT to give this motherfucker even a penny. I’m offering you a 100% foolproof solution to bury these losers in the trash heap of history. If you follow these steps, your XUIONE panel will be safe and sound.

Step 1 - Don’t use SSL! Remove OpenSSL and close any unnecessary open ports!

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Now, let’s clean up unnecessary lines from your nginx.conf file located inside nginx_rtmp.

nano /home/xui/bin/nginx_rtmp/conf/nginx.conf

Delete everything except the following lines:

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Step 2 - Restrict database access to only LB IPs and your IP!

Even if someone somehow gets your database credentials, they won’t be able to access it!

Create a shell script, for example, block.sh, and add the following content:

First, let's learn where's your iptables?

which iptables

Replace the IP addresses with your own and save the file.

Then, make it executable and run it:

chmod +x block.sh

This will block port 3306 (MySQL port) from any IP address except the ones you've specified.

So folks, follow these steps and you won’t give this loser even a penny while keeping your system secure!

Please ask if you need anything else! I'll do my best for you against that kind of motherfuckers.