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Resource O11 V3 2024-09-23

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2024/10/04 00:41:24 INFO: O11 is starting [version 64e68236dshw]
2024/10/04 00:41:24 INFO: loglevel set to 2
2024/10/04 00:41:24 INFO: streaming listening at
2024/10/04 00:41:24 [0;33mWARN:[0m converting old network config
2024/10/04 00:41:24 [0;33mWARN:[0m converting old network config
2024/10/04 00:41:24 [0;33mWARN:[0m converting old network config
2024/10/04 00:41:24 [0;33mWARN:[0m converting old network config
2024/10/04 00:41:25 [0;33mWARN:[0m converting old network config
2024/10/04 00:41:25 [0;33mWARN:[0m converting old network config
2024/10/04 00:41:25 INFO: webif http listening at

Script start and go down after few seconds. I tried on ubuntu 18 and Ubuntu 20.
also the same problem here. It basically shuts down and won't start, although the log looks fine
Maybe this is a version that is licensed to an ip address and cannot be run on any other ip address than the one it is licensed for. Can somebody tell does this work?
You can also check this resource with o11 v3 which practically cannot be started. The process closes immediately after launch
@B13 Please test the resource with o11 v3 ? can you confirm if it is restricted based on IP address and that's why it doesn't work