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  • License distribution for the
    Ibo 3.9 app+ panel with 17 themes to choose
    is now available for free, we are decrypting it now
    Only for VIP memberships

IBO Player Pro 3.1 (Sports Guide) + Panel

Resource IBO Player Pro 3.1 (Sports Guide) + Panel 3.1

Register & Get access to index
>>>Install the Panel from the "ibopro.zip" file. It is very simple to install.
Just upload the zip file to your hosting and unzip it.
Visit "https://mypanel.com/ibopro/login.php" to login to the panel if
"https://mypanel.com/ibopro" do not works.

>>>Now using APK easy Tool or APK Editor search for "add_dns.com" and replace with your
panel url like "https://mypanel.com/ibopro". Note you should add "https://" also make
sure your Website have SSL (https).

>>>After that search for "http://your_website.com" and replace with your actual site
where people can buy suscription from etc.

Change Logos, Backgrounds etc with yours
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