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    Ibo 3.9 app+ panel with 17 themes to choose
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Resource 'Ibo 3.9 app+ panel with 17 themes to choose'
I bring you this wonderful app ibopro 3.9 themes ️Multi DNS Panel Automatic Ads and manual 3 mode activation ?Activate by code ?Activate by mac ?Activate by user and password ️ Activation by username and password ️With your logo and brand name Sports Guide *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
Resource 'IBO v3.8 - User/Pass - New Layout'
The app has 5 different layouts. These are the layouts
Firstly install ffmpeg like apt-get install ffmpeg (if need) Then upload all files like to /home/o11 (keep all files inside the folder) Then chmod +x v3p_launcher and run ./v3p_launcher -p 1234 for all options run ./v3p_launcher -h run like in background : ./v3p_launcher -p 1234 & after visit url http://yourserverip:1234 user pass admin admin you can change in users section the user and pass. and one note you can add provider on the header dropdown menu and after add...